A solemnly void dreamy mind is a minefield for lunacy.But only when you are so old. What,do you think you would have done if you found a dear one wearing away helpless in search of a homily mirage while you are rendered motionless.Having nothing else to do but holding on to your wistful array of pipe-dreams and useless thoughts.But some people are instinctive,born with common sense.As the famous cliche goes "cometh the moment,cometh the man!"or in this case the baby.In case you are wondering if I have gone mad,you are mistaken.Somehow what happens at raw childhood escapes many a guys' memory.But the tooth fairies(or the likes) call on you every now and then and return.. no,not money but long-forgotten childhood memoirs..
Here was a lovely lady..bed-ridden, flu-stricken,suffering from chronic migraine pain,to whom even a pindrop seemed like an explosion,unable to bear any iota of light.She had none to look after her that day..except for a tiny tot;all of 6 months- he sat in a bundle chewing his thumb unable to comprehend why ma wasn't paying him any attention.He decided to make a close enquiry.Moving himself was however a quite tedious task,he was a real fatso.alas! :( 'ma ma!?'she was looking at him now,gritted teeth;trying to smile but she made no effort to take him in her lap,and somewhat alarmingly even closed her eyes.Something must be wrong,that made him helpless.Desperate to return some semblance of normalcy to the surroundings,he looked around for something familiar to which he could instantly relate ma with.So began his tiring crawling expedition.Finally he found something,but that was atop a table which was beyond his reach;after toiling for several minutes he managed to stand somehow and uprooted the confounded thing from it's perch..it was a little packet of Parle lozenges.Mom would take plenty of them all the time.Yesterday she even gave her a piece.Yummy!He didn't know how to get one outta the packet so he struggled.His baby brawn was of some use at last,he tore it open,got hold of a candy and crawled his way back to ma.She was still lying there with her hand across her face..he heaved over her hand and thrust the candy with it's cover on[:(] into ma's lips"ma,khao..khao" Which surprisingly worsened matters as big teardrops formed in her eyes.But then she smiled brightly and pulled him up to the bed showering him with kisses.That tight hug felt real good,so he's told.
Do I need to reveal who the tiny kiddo was?That's obvious isn't it-for once,when this story was being narrated,felt an inkling of pomp growing within.:) God that tiny boy was damn lucky,could spend all his time with ma.His 'zoom out' version can't though:(
He has to do with celebrating her budday remembering jolly times and planning for jollier ones in the forthcoming buddays.He wonders how she can love him soo much although he irritates n hurts the hell out of her.He doesn't mind though.
Love you ma!Really really missing your hat ka khana err..you too-hee hee hee