B doesn't know if it's his mood. Or the warmth in his four chambers. Or the numb, surreal state he's in. Or the slight chill outside. Or the she.
Suddenly everything has turned glorious and spectacular..B's uplifted; his reverie's been disturbed, for the good :) B cares not anymore. B's not in awe too P. he just revels in his happiness.
The last time B was at the shore, seduced by the now-demure-now-bubbly waves, he brooded, hesitated, procrastinated......puzzled by the waves' demeanor, he dreaded being hauled to the rocks onshore once he reached out to...But this time, having taken the dip, he doesn't care if he's hauled, mauled or drowned :) he thought he'd float but, horrible swimmer that he is, he is drowning fast.... but astonishingly the deeper it gets, the reassurance, the calm increases. Uncovering new layers, breaking new ground- sweet surrender anyone? And what excites B the most is that it's unbound, timeless. It's fascinating how the waves are so much more captivating and infinitely more beautiful from nearby. So, as they say, he has and he hasn't learnt from his mistake :D B, however curses himself for being unable to express himself in the way he wants to.she says he has bouts of childishness :|He's still very happy all the same.
N he feels one Mr. A.R.Rahman has composed an entire album for him-YUVRAAJ.. the numbers are soo sooo romantic. Would even give a stone the lovey-dovey feel. He's a magician. Best of all time says B.
B wants to write more. only if he could in the proper, :(
and this, B thinks is probably Rahman's best till date. Take a listen if you haven't already or even if you have. :)
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5 years ago
the song's suuupperbbbb!!!!i'm downloading all now.
r tui? as that little girl in tzp said 'now toh u r gone' :P :D
the gaan be hebbbbyy
n the lines make P hayypee
but B is a baybeeee
na na na naanaa :D :P
hi hi hihi haw
crapthing this..you be capable of better poetry :D
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